Friday, August 23, 2019

Public and Private Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public and Private Culture - Essay Example There is a great danger of limiting one self to the boundaries of home just like a caterpillar in a cocoon for the rest of its life. The world is a garden of different flowers with various colors, aroma, beauty, and form that needs to tread and the school is just one among the many forms that we dip our feet into. One gets educated not to stay home and encapsulate himself/herself to the four corners of knowledge rather, a person moves out of the home, from the school, educated and fully equipped to conquer the world not with guns and wars but with the knowledge and skills to a better today. It should be an educated college student’s goal to be propelled to the world outside the home, family or culture where there is much to be discovered and even more to be had. Miss Moore’s effort in â€Å"The Lesson† to draw the children from their little world to go out and look at the big picture is highly commendable especially with her effort to bring them out from their li mited knowledge as their poverty allows them to have. There is a lot to learn and so many times, one is not fully equipped with the needed knowledge and skill to perform well in the society like Miss Moore despite the education that she claimed. Understanding the many facets of society by considering different cultures as well as the different roles of every individual gives a better view and comprehension of one’s rights as well as responsibilities.It is quite impossible to separate private from public culture just as it is difficult to separate public from private life.

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